Category: Notes (Page 2 of 9)

Motivation, Drive and Dan Pink

Dan pink talks about three kinds of motivation:
1.0 biological (thirst, hunger).
2.0 external (carrot and stick).
3.0 internal (engagement).

Daniel Pink then focuses on Motivation 3.0 and explains more about what it is, when it works and why it works.

Video: RSA Animate – Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

This is an imated video that nicely summarizes the book and concept.

If you can’t see the video above then go to RSA Animate – Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us.

Video: Daniel Pink: What Really Motivates Workers (CBS interview

This is an interview on CBS about intrinsic motivation, motivation 3.0.

If you can’t see the video above then go to Daniel Pink: What Really Motivates Workers.

Video: Daniel Pink on the surprising science of motivation – TED Talk

This video is a presentation Daniel Pink did on TED.

If you can’t see the video above then go to Daniel Pink on the surprising science of motivation.


The book is Drive – The surprising thruth about what motivates us which contains more information about the concept in the videos above. I’ve read the book and like it.

The book at The Book Depository: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (Paperback)

The Book Depository has free delivery worldwide on all their books.

The Art Of Small Talk

Over at Look Far, the blog of Amanda Linehan, is Discover The Art Of Small Talk. Introverts or INFPs (like I am) often feel uneasy about small talk.

Amanda has great advice in her post:

  • Small talk is about connection, not content.
  • Talk about the most obvious things.
  • When all else fails, ask questions.

The last one, asking questions, comes natural for me.

Fascinate F-score test

After watching How to Fascinate – Sally Hogshead I was fascinated and curious about the seven fascination triggers.

I found the F-score brand personality test which gives you your primary, secondary and dormant triggers out of the seven fascination triggers.

  • Passion
  • Rebellion
  • Alarm
  • Mystique
  • Power
  • Prestige
  • Trust

The test was free and gives you interesting information which is valuable when you work on creating and maintaining your brand, whether it’s your personal brand or your business brand.

How to Fascinate – Sally Hogshead

The newsletter “Outside the Lines” from Michael Bungay Stanier listed “8 Brilliant Videos You Should Watch”. The video that really caught my attention is TEDxAtlanta – Sally Hogshead – How to Fascinate (Video is below).

In today’s world of 9-second attention spans, our introductions mean more-than-ever before. Sally Hogshead reveals the seven triggers of fascination and how to get others to fall in love with your ideas, instantly.

Sally Hogshead starts with “All markets are like online dating markets” and talks about our short attention spans of 9 seconds (the same as a goldfish). Her main message is the seven fascination triggers.

Every day, intentionally or not, you’re using fascination triggers to persuade people at work and home. Whether you’re pitching a new client, or inviting a friend to lunch, or lulling a cranky toddler to sleep, you’re using triggers to elicit a certain response.

At YouTube there’s also Sally Hogshead: Keynote Speaker on Innovation | Marketing | How to Fascinate. It’s a promotional video but it includes interesting pieces from some of her presentations.

Video: How to Fascinate – Sally Hogshead

Simon Sinek talks about Trust

I came across a video with Simon Sinek, the title “If You Don’t Understand People, You Don’t Understand Business” sounded interesting enough to check it out. What I got was 30 minutes of a really interesting talk where Simon talks about trust (a favorite topic of mine), fullfillment, takers vs givers and also “make it about them, not about you”. It’s time well spent!

You can either watch it on this page or, if that does not work, at Simon Sinek: If You Don’t Understand People, You Don’t Understand Business.

Video: Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek: If You Don’t Understand People, You Don’t Understand Business from 99% on Vimeo.

Pomodoro Desktop Timer

Tomighty is an excellent desktop timer tailor made for when you use the Pomodoro Technique.

The Pomodoro Technique is a simple way to boost your productivity when performing mind-consuming tasks. It helps you keep yourself focused while reducing mental exhaustion

Tomighty has as default 25 minutes for the Pomodoro work-session, 5 minutes for the short break and 15 minutes for the long break. You can change this if you want but it works really well.

Just start the clock for a Pomodoro, focus on your work and 25 minutes later the timer goes off. Select a short or long break, I suggest you leave the computer during the break. Once the break is over the timer goes off again and it’s time for another Pomodoro.

Read more about The Pomodoro Technique – manage your attention.


I’m working with text on the pages of this site and one word that comes back often is trust. I found this image some years ago and fell in love with the combination of picture and text. It is a great way to explain the concept of trust.

Trust is an essential part in coaching, whether it’s life coaching or business coaching.

Trust is not being afraid even if you are vulnerable.


eMentoring and eCoaching

I work as coach and mentor. It has so far been done face to face with an occasional dash of emails and chat. That works very well but it limits my market to people I can meet in real life.

I now have the opportunity to develop a location independent version of my services. The e-version of mentoring and coaching means we use electronic communications like email, chat and Skype. It’s still one on one but it’s not face to face. The benefit is that it does not matter where coach/mentor and client is, differences in time and place can be solved by user the proper tools.

I have a client that’s willing to be a guinea pig and to help me figure out how to best use online tools in the process. It’s really important to find and use a mix of tools that makes the digital mentor and coach process work just as well as the physical version does.

I’ll be back with more information during the development process.

This was originally posted at Bengt’s Notes, another blog of mine.

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

Through The Power of Why I found How great leaders inspire action by Simon Sinek. It’s a great presentation about the power of starting from “why”, to define your purpose and why you do what you do. Having a clear purpose, the “Why”, makes you stand out in the crowd and gives people a reason why they shall connect with you.

Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers

At Presentation Zen is The importance of starting from Why about the presentation above. Garr Reynolds brings up questions like:

We rarely spend time thinking deeply about the why.
Why are we doing this?
Why does it matter?
Why is it important (or not)?
What is the meaning in the whole scheme of things?

This was originally posted at Bengt’s Notes, another blog of mine.

Productivity in 11 Words

Today I was reminded about “Productivity in 11 Words” at Skelliewag through a post by Penelope Trunk who had seen it at Lifehacker.

Skellie summed it up in three lines and eleven words. It’s brilliant, short and to the point:

One thing at a time.

Most important thing first.

Start now.

It goes well with The only thing you can change:

You can’t change your entire life.
You can only change your next action.

This was originally posted at Bengt’s Notes, another blog of mine.

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