Category: Notes (Page 6 of 9)

What did you learn today that could empower you in future?

This question turned up in my Daily Forwards Step. There was also this quote:

The greatest discovery of my lifetime was that a person can change the circumstances of his life by changing his thoughts.
William James

Change is an important issue, both on a personal level and for society and our world. It brings another quote to my mind:

Change comes from within.

What did YOU learn today that could empower you in future?

The Life Coaching Handbook

The Life Coaching Handbook: Everything You Need to Be an Effective Life Coach is written by Curly Martin. The subtitle is a mouthful but I like the book and it really covers a lot. It is a book I will go back to for reference, to refresh my knowledge and to find new views on life coaching.

This complete guide to life coaching reveals what life coaching IS, how to coach yourself and others effectively and how to create and sustain a successful coaching practice. Leading you through a comprehensive programme of Advanced Life Coaching Skills, it contains key NLP-based techniques that include State Control, Rapport-building, Spiral Coaching, Meta-programs, Meta-languages and The Milton Model.

Here are some qoutes from the book that stuck in my mind:

Life coaching concentrates on the person’s whole life instead of just one area.

Life coaching is a holistic process that has the power to balance and harmonize life.

The book also lists some elevator pitches or openings. I think this one says a lot: Life coaching can seriously change your life..

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

The risk you take if you change

This quote turned up in my Daily Forwards Step:

That’s the risk you take if you change: that people you’ve been involved with won’t like the new you. But other people who do will come along.
Lisa Alther

It is true that when you change not everyone around you like the new you. But I find changing myself is worth that price as long as I consider the change to be for the better.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

Now Is The Time

DailyOm today is about Now Is The Time – Bloom Where You Are Planted. Part of the text goes like this:

We have a habit of presenting life with a set of conditions — ifs and whens that must be fulfilled before we will say yes to the gift of our lives. Now is the time for each of us to bloom where we are planted, overriding our tendency to hold back. Now is the time to say yes, to be brave and commit fully to ourselves, because until we do no one else will. Now is the time to be vulnerable, unfolding delicately yet fully into the space in which we find ourselves.

Source: DailyOM

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

Can you distinguish essential from non-essential?

This question turned up in my Daily Forwards Step. There was also this quote:

Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.
Lin Yutang

This quote is also in the Zen To Done e-book. In Turning 2008 into 80-20 at my other blog I write about separating the chaff from the wheat using the 80/20 rule.

Question: Can YOU distinguish essential from non-essential?

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

Starting New

DailyOM today is about Starting New – A Moment Of Choice. Part of the text goes like this:

Making the choice to start anew has its own energy — it’s a promise made to you. The forward momentum creates a sort of vacuum behind it, pulling toward you all you need to help you continue moving in your chosen direction. Once the journey has begun, it may take unexpected turns, but it never really ends. Like cycles in nature, there are periods of obvious growth and periods of dormancy that signal a time of waiting for the right moment to burst forth. Each time we choose to start anew we dedicate ourselves to becoming the best we are able to be.

Source: DailyOM

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

Let goals be changeable

Maki at DoshDosh usually blogs about making money online but in “The Value of Being Incomplete: What Are Your Goals for 2008?” he talked about setting goals.

Goals can be useful but you mustn’t depend on them to define yourself. We are taught that if you don’t have an aim in life, you’ll end up nowhere. If you don’t have concrete goals and work towards them, your website will never grow. Not true.

Goals are pathway markers and destination points. But they are also simply thoughts, conjured up and made concrete in one decisive moment. You can change them as easily as you flick a light switch. It takes less than five seconds. Try it.

So for 2008, be flexible and open. Grow. Take a chance and do something beyond what you consider to be realistic or practical.

I totally agree that goals shall not be set in stone, we need to review and change if needed.

Maki at Dosh Dosh also had a post titled “How to Prepare Yourself for the New Year”. There was a list of eight things to consider and a great final paragraph:

Think of yourself as a machine. You are a woman or man of enormous potential. Everything is possible in the new year if you have the heart for it. What you need to do is to grease the wheels, make sure you’re all well-oiled and ready to roll. Take care of the periphery details and you’ll find that you’ll reach your goals a lot faster.

Note: Photo by JoF.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

If you knew – what would you do?

This question turned up in my Daily Forwards Step. There was also this quote:

Be master of your petty annoyances and conserve your energies for the big, worthwhile things. It isn’t the mountain ahead that wears you out – it’s the grain of sand in your shoe.
Robert Service

Question: If you knew that in one year you would leave the planet, what would you do today?

Opening The Door

DailyOM today is about Fighting Against Our Gifts, here is part of it.

As human beings we often have a tendency to fight against using our natural gifts. Many stories of success start with an individual who is ignoring the call of his or her inborn abilities. There are many possible reasons for this resistance, from fear that the calling will be too difficult to a disbelief in the very work one is being asked to do. We may feel too small, too distracted by other people’s ideas about what we should do, or too uninformed. Whatever the case, the resistance to actualizing ourselves has very concrete consequences, and many of us have been called out of hiding by an illness or a twist of fate that unequivocally dismantled our resistance. In other words, the universe knocks, and if we don’t answer it knocks louder.

The first step on the journey to our calling in life is to listen to our internal voices and respond to the knocking universe at the door. As we do, the symptoms and anxieties that have haunted us will fade into the background, replaced by opportunities, both big and small, to open the door to what we are truly here to do.

Source: DailyOM

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

What happens to your goals after you create them?

This question turned up in my Daily Forwards Step. There was also this quote:

A goal is created three times. First as a mental picture. Second, when written down to add clarity and dimension. And third, when you take action towards its achievement.
Gary Blair

Question: What happens to your goals after you create them?

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

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