Author: Bengt (Page 18 of 18)

Ancora imparo

Ancora imparo means I am still learning. It is attributed to Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564). I think this is a very good maxim.

Another quote I like is this: When we stop learning we stop living. Lifelong learning is fun and keep us alert.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

The Art of the Start

Guy Kawasaki, a former Apple Fellow and entrepreneur extraordinaire, talks about up-starting a start-up. In a preview from his book, “The Art of the Start” Guy encourages entrepreneurs to make meaning, make mantra, and get going.

According to Kawasaki, some examples of making ‘meaning’ are: make the world a better place, increase the quality of life, right a terrible wrong, and prevent the end of something good.

Make meaning sounds great but it is not that easy to apply, it is a different thinking than the regular vision-mission. Make mantra is great, it forces you to condence your concept.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

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